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It May Be Dust Mites and Not Spring Allergies

Creepy crawlies like dust mites are everywhere, even in your home right now. But there are a

few myths about dust mites you need to be aware of if you are to combat them effectively.

You Need to Clean to Get Rid of Them

You can vacuum everywhere, steam, and wipe down surfaces. And for a more thorough clean out of the dust, experts like DUCTZ can work on your HVAC to reduce spreading it. But of course, it takes a bit more to get rid of dust mites, as they are resilient little things. So, yes, you can clean your home. But you must do this often. It also helps to reduce the humidity in your home as well, since dust mites love this. And ventilate your house with open windows and AC.

They Don’t Live in the Dust

C: Unsplash

Despite their misleading name, dust mites do not live in dust. Most of the dust in your home is made up of your own skin cells. And you will have much more dust from dander and hair if you have a dog or cat. And although dust mites can be found in dust occasionally, it isn’t where they generally live. Dust mites tend to seek out warm and humid places to settle. This is why they are commonly found in your bedding, carpets, and even soft toys such as stuffed animals.




Dust Mites Don’t Bite You

Your home can become infested with dust mites. And it is natural to assume they are biting you. But you would be wrong. Dust mites don’t actually have a mouth or anything else they can bite you with. Like flies and some other insects, they produce an enzyme that breaks down food. When you are itching in your hair, face, and arms, it is likely to be a reaction to an excess of dust or something else living in your home, bed bugs. However, it could also be allergies.

You Could Be Allergic to Them

Further to allergies, you aren’t allergic to an excess of dust. Dust doesn’t cause allergic reactions. However, it can make existing allergies worse. You can also react to something contained in the dust if you live in a polluted area. Yet you may be allergic to dust mites. Or, more accurately, their poop! You can breathe in the droppings of dust mites. And this can cause allergic reactions if there is a significant amount, similar to the symptoms of hay fever.

They Can Reduce Your Air Quality

C: Unsplash

Some people think that because dust mites are so small, they don’t really affect them. But you would be wrong to think this. Yes, they are microscopic. But so is the flu! Dust mites, their dander, and even their droppings also contribute to the overall dust content of your home. This dust becomes airborne when disturbed and makes its way all over your home and into your lungs when you breathe in. And thus can make issues like asthma and breathing much worse.


Dust mites are all over your home. So to combat them, you need to know about them. You must clean your home well to get rid of them, they don’t bite you, and they can reduce your air quality.


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