Category Art : Music
We want to support #upcomingartist and #singer s globally and here are the first 2 being featured on the first Issue of Black Pepper Magazine ! Here is NYLA
BP : Welcome Nyla McDaniel , could you please introduce yourself to our readers ?
NYLA : Hi Everyone! My name is NYLA, I'm a musical artist from Los Angeles, currently living in Chicago! I am in the middle of recording my debut EP, "The More You Grow" in which I share all of the lessons I'm learning as I take on adulthood. I love having a hand in all the work that I do, so everything from the music, lyrics, visuals, you name it - are all created by me.
BP : We discovered you on Instagram and were very impressed by your song “Nappy Headed Girl” . What were your thoughts when writing those lyrics?
NYLA : A few days before I wrote this song, I had been looking at TONS of childhood photos of mine. As I was looking at the photos I was reminded of so many things I loved as a child, like my love for barbies, the types of clothes I wore, what my personality was like, and I thought it would be super cool to introduce listeners to that part of me. When I was writing Nappy Headed Girl, I was reflecting on this idea that if I could do anything for my younger self, it would be to follow through with all of the dreams that she had with the same kind of passion she had. The reality is that as an adult, I found myself in a place in which I kept getting in my own way of the things I wanted to accomplish. Between doubt and my desire to be perfect, I kind of lost myself. So this song was my way of reclaiming who it is that I want to become by reminding myself who I once was. The chorus sings, “No more backsliding, nail biting, ‘cause I’ve still got some fight in me.” I made that the main theme of the song as a reminder that no matter what, I am NOT going to slip back into my old habits and old ways of doubting myself, I’m a fighter! My hope is that when people listen to this song, that they also find freedom in knowing that they too can change for the better, no matter how many times they’ve stood in their way.
BP : How do you like the idea of Black Pepper Magazine?
NYLA : I love the idea of Black Pepper Magazine. I always celebrate and respect when people aim to deliver positivity especially in the black community! I look forward to seeing the growth, and am honored you've chosen me to be apart of your launch!
BP : Thank you Nyla for being part of the first Issue of Black Pepper Magazine. One last question. How can we purchase and where can we hear your music ?
NYLA : Again- thank you for including me in your vision! My #music is available for purchase or streaming on all major platforms, iTunes, Spotify you name it! You can also find all things NYLA on my website,
BREAK - You can hear Nappy headed Girl , here !
BP : What kind of #advice would you give a young girl, who is dreaming in becoming a singer/ an artist?
NYLA : I would give the same advice that I have to give myself every day, and that is to know that just because you aren't seeing things happen as fast as you'd like them to, doesn't mean its not happening. Often times as an artist, you don't see the results of your hard work right away, which can be discouraging. You work, you practice, you create, and you look for validation outwards, but because you can't always count on when that will happen, you have to believe for yourself that what you are doing is important, and that you are unique! Whether its big or small, you have to be consistent about it, and you will eventually see that all of the work and passion you have put in will lead you to great fulfillment.
BP : Wow , great advice ! Who is your biggest motivator and why ?
NYLA : My biggest motivator would have to be my husband. Not trying to be cheesy here, but he truly is! He is a professional musician as well, and because he knows me better than anyone, he is able to give me solid advice, critique me when needed, and also know how to encourage me! I also love the fact that he dreams really BIG! He reminds me not to think so small-minded when it comes to the things I want and its incredibly motivating. I literally can't wait for the day where I accomplish the great things we've talked about, and make him proud.
(Her newest single, #myown ! )
Photo from her website . #knowhername