Ariel is not the only mermaid- Have you heard about Yemaya, Oshun or Mami Wata?

Yemaya is an African water goddess who is also known as the mother of all living things. She is a protector of women and children, and is often portrayed as a mermaid. Like Ariel, Yemaya is a popular figure in African mythology.
Yemaya is often associated with the color blue, which is said to represent the depths of the ocean. She is also associated with the moon, as her name means “mother of fishes.” In some myths, Yemaya is said to be the wife of Shango, the god of thunder and lightning. Yemaya is a powerful goddess who is revered by many. She is a symbol of fertility, nurturing, and protection.

Like Ariel, the african mermaid Mami Wata exists, too.
Mami Wata is a water spirit that is popular in African mythology. Mami Wata (or Mamy Wata, Mami Watta or Mama Wata) is one of the essential part in African Vodoun cult, whose practice is widespread in West, Central and South Africa, the African diaspora, the Caribbean, and in parts of North and South America.
She is known to be seductive and beautiful, and is often associated with wealth and prosperity. While she is usually portrayed as a human-like creature, she can also take on the form of a snake or a fish. Mami Wata is said to live in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. She is often depicted holding a mirror or a comb, and is sometimes accompanied by a snake.
Mami Wata is said to have the power to heal the sick and grant wishes. She is also known to be very jealous, and is said to punish those who cross her. Despite her dangerous side, she is also seen as a benevolent figure who helps those in need. Mami Wata is a popular figure in African folklore, and has been the subject of many songs, stories, and paintings. She is a complex figure, and her stories often reflect the beliefs and values of the cultures in which she is found.
Wait, there's more! There's also Oshun in the African Methodology.

Oshun (Ọṣun, Ochún, Oshún, Òsun, Osun, Oxum) is the Aphrodite, the Venus among the Orishas or Orixás, in the Yoruba religion and in Brazilian Candomblé.
Oshun is one of the most popular goddesses in Yoruba mythology. She is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She is also associated with the sweet waters of the Niger River. Oshun is worshiped by many people, especially women.
The legend of Oshun says that she was born from the union of the sun and the moon. The name "Oshun" means "she who brings us love."
Her grove in Oshogbo (Oṣogbo) is part of the UNESCO World Heritage.

Nigerian-German writer Efua Traoré made Oshun a main character in her children's novel Children of the Quicksands, published in 2021. There, Oshun rivals Oyá, the goddess of the winds.

It's a great story, we highly recommend it!
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